Strategic dialogue and Policy Panel Between Member States and Development Partners will take center stage as Bujumbura host The Nile Day on 22nd February 2024. Nile Day is an opportunity for Nile Basin Initiative to highlight the importance of cooperation on transboundary waters for the sustainable management and development of the common water resources.
As part of efforts to advocate for good environmental practices in Nile Basin countries, member states will celebrate this year’s edition of Nile Day in Bujumbura, Burundi under the theme: Unlocking the Benefits of Nile Transboundary Cooperation.
“The Nile riparian citizenry convene and celebrate the benefits of Nile cooperation and exchange experiences, views, and ideas on topical issues related to the cooperative management and development of the common Nile Basin water and related resources,” Dr Grace Florence Adongo Executive Director of Nile Basin Initiative Uganda.
According to her they have planned Community activities to Promote awareness on Environmental Issues, Procession Through Bujumbura, Presentations of School Children on Importance of Cooperation on River Nile Issues, keynote Speeches, Statements by Riparian State Nile-COM Members and hold extra ordinary Meeting of Nile-COM
Uganda took over the leadership of the Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) reaffirming its prominent role in the region. This was during the 31st Nile Council of Ministers Meeting (NILECOM) held in Kampala.
Currently Uganda hosts the NBI secretariat, which brings together all ten countries within the Nile River basin.
Former NBI Executive Director, Sylvester Matemu, initiated the process that led to Uganda’s nomination by South Sudan and was seconded by Rwanda, DR Congo, and Sudan, with no objections from any country.
The responsibilities of the NBI leader include ensuring adherence to NBI agreement protocols by all members, promoting cooperation and consensus, ensuring the sustainable use of the Nile River, and monitoring the implementation of agreed-upon initiatives.
Sam Cheptoris, Uganda’s Minister for Water and Environment stressed Uganda’s commitment to addressing challenges that could disrupt cooperation among NBI members.
He pledged to continue engaging with Egypt to foster unity within the NBI.